Thursday, August 01, 2013

Garrett turns THREE

Dear Garrett,

You are our spunky, chunky monkey! This was a big year for you - you did a lot of growing up from a toddler into a big boy and we're so proud of you. This year alone you transitioned into a big boy bed, were potty trained and stopped sucking your fingers. That's huge! We thought it would have been harder for you to quit the fingers, but you were a trooper and wore a glove to bed for a month and you never looked back. Good boy!

You are definitely our most dramatic son. You get excited easily and frustrated easily. Your tantrums are pretty epic, but we know that it's hard to be in the middle, especially when you're not quite as skilled as Owen and Eli and not the baby like Dylan. You have a squealy cry right now that drives us crazy and will say the same statement (I want some milk) ten times even as we're pouring it for you. You know what you want and when you want it, which can be a great quality to have... but we're hoping that the 2 year old drama that goes with it will be behind us this year : )

You're about to start preschool for the first time and you're really excited. Like anything, it will be an adjustment, but we're so excited for you to 'have your own thing' and some friends of your own. This will be your special time and we can't wait to see how to grow and develop this year.

You are the sweetest little boy. You wanted to tell everyone you met all about your baseball birthday party and invited most people too (even people like the men at Home Depot). You are really great at sharing with your brothers and love to help Dylan by finding his paci or giving him more cereal. Even when Owen or Eli wrongs you in some way, you're always the first one to want to give a hug or a high five and will go along with any idea or game that they come up with. You take your job as a little and big brother very seriously.

You're adventurous and brave! You do things earlier than Owen or Eli (like edging your way around the swimming pool) and do things that they still don't do like getting pushed high on the swings. You rode two roller coasters at Sea World this summer before you were even three!

You love cereal, Octonauts, riding your tricycle (pushing with your feet), swimming, Amy, wrestling with daddy, doing puzzles with mommy, baseball, rolypolies, checking on the garden, anything little (like the little lego man), legos, Mickey Mouse Clubhouse, singing and dancing and being included in anything by Owen and Eli. You give great hugs, still love naps, only like peanut butter (not jelly), hate taking potty breaks, wear the same size clothes as Owen and Eli and only weigh 1/2 a pound less than them. You're our little chunker monker GareBear, and we love you so much!

Happy 3rd Birthday, Big Boy!