Saturday, December 14, 2013

Race Log: Deck the Trails 5K

This was my first race in a long time, like 7 years probably. It was also the first time since we started having kids that I wasn't pregnant or nursing and was in good enough shape to actually run! Charlie had done this race for the last two years and this year we ran it together. The weekend before had been a crazy ice storm that cancelled my Dallas Marathon relay, so the ground was pretty muddy and disgusting. Did I mention this is a trail run?! All the participants start at the same time (there's only about 500 runners), so we spent a lot of the first mile dodging other runners and slowing down for the mud. I think our first mile was 10 minutes : / We picked up speed and ran the rest of the 5K (that turned out to be only about 2.8 miles) in around 28 minutes. It was freezing, we were on the clock for a babysitter, and we had a birthday party to get to, so we high tailed out of there and headed home. It wasn't until driving home from the birthday party that I got a text from a friend that I had placed! 3rd place for my age bracket!! We would have stuck around if I would have even thought that I could have placed. They mailed me my award, which turned out to be an awesome wood burned Christmas ornament with the logo of the race on it. I can't wait until the boys are old enough to start racing with us - what a fun way to kick off the Christmas season!