Saturday, August 07, 2010


Have you ever said two words together often enough that they start to sound like one word?

Lately, when I talk to Charlie, 'Can you' is my most common way to start a sentence... unfortunately. He has gone above and beyond this week - getting house projects done, taking care of vehicle registration, doing just about everything for the boys, preparing meals, grocery shopping - and yet I still ask him to do more. Can you get me a drink? Can you wipe off Owen's mouth? Can you take the binkies away from the boys? Can you switch the laundry? Can you hand me the phone? Can you change Garrett in the middle of the night? Can you play with the boys so they aren't climbing all over me and the baby? I could go on and on (and on).

He has been amazing through this past week and I'm already a little panicky at the thought of him returning to work for half days on Monday. We'll hold down the fort on our own, but we will surely miss having Daddy around - and not just because he answers all my 'canyou' questions with a smile on his face but because we all love having him around the house to spend the day with. We love you Charlie - thanks for everything you do for us!


Janet said...

Kudos, Char! I'm sure you loved being home this busy week of adjustment. They're newborns such a short time...