Wednesday, May 27, 2009

It Takes a Village

In an effort to minimize clutter and maximize organization, I've decided to start a(nother!) blog. The concept is pretty simple - categorize and capture all the great parenting ideas that I read about/hear about/think about so that they are easily accessible when I'm ready to use them. A couple categories I've thought of include:

  • Meal times/recipes
  • Rainy day activities
  • Arts & Crafts
  • Freebie field trips
  • Links to websites
  • Outdoor activities/games
  • Holidays/Birthdays
  • Research & Then (this is one that Charlie and I came up with. For example, research dinosaurs and then go to the history museum to see the dino bones... or research a composer and then go to a symphony...)

I have so many Parenting, Parents, Family Fun and FitPregnancy magazines laying around (lying around?) and thought that I could pick out the ideas that I would use, put them on a blog and toss the rest of the magazine.

I'm looking for a bit (or maybe a lot!) of help though.

  1. I need a name for the blog. IDEAS?!
  2. I would love to have other contributors. I can add you as an author if you're interested. I know that SO MANY of you have great kid-friendly ideas. I'm thinking of those of you who make pancakes into funny faces, have nannied for many years, who have kids in any age or stage, and who want to be the best mom you can be!
  3. I would like to have more categories. IDEAS?!

Even if you don't want to be a contributor, you can still send me ideas for a name or categories. I'm sure you're like me in that you want to have creative things for your kiddos to do but can't always come up with them on your own. That's where having multiple contributors can help me too!! Have I mentioned that they don't have to be original ideas? I'm going to pull many from magazines (and probably add my own twists to the ideas too) as well as anything I think up on my own that I don't want to forget to use when the age/stage/time comes.

Join me?


Becky said...

I suggest product reviews, as well.

I could use some more creative ideas, since Bandie and I don't do much besides Screaming Tummy Time and Spit Up On Mommy Time.

Beth said...

Ah yes, while those are great times, I think you're ready to branch out too : )

Product reviews is a GREAT idea!

Maybe deals/coupons/sales too?