Saturday, September 04, 2010

And the Neurotic Fear Sets In...

Anti-bacterial gel, check. Anti-bacterial soap, check, Lysol, check.

I remember thinking the day that Garrett was born that he would have a solid three months to grow and develop before the hell that is 'cold season' strikes the Fox Household. The boys have always gotten ridiculously sick every winter at a rate of at least once per month for 5-6 months. They need breathing treatments, Tylenol, stop sleeping well because they can't breathe and hack their disgusting germs all over everything. So imagine my dismay when Owen woke up from his nap yesterday wheezing, coughing and struggling to take a breath. He had the terrified look in his eyes that any two year old would have when they are suddenly unable to breathe and he was difficult to calm down. Charlie was awake with him from almost 10pm to almost 3am just trying to open his airways and get him to relax. Steam shower running, Albuterol given, Pulmicort given, water given, Motrin given, temperature taken... it was a long night.

So now, with Garrett being only five weeks old, the game begins to feebly attempt to ward off any germs that would land him in the hospital with a fever and a spinal tap. We're trying to keep the boys away from him as much as possible, but we're treading water in many ways. Thankfully the heat has broken and the boys can play outside for longer stretches of time without the risk of heat exhaustion, but I still find myself neurotically washing my hands, spraying the railings, light switches and remotes with Lysol and covering Garrett's face while I'm nursing him.

Please join me in praying for Garrett's current healthy state to continue and that the future health of his lungs won't be compromised. Pray for Owen for a quick recovery and pray that Eli can somehow miraculously avoid catching the virus. Thankfully my mom arrived from Pittsburgh today for the week, but Charlie is travelling Wednesday through Friday and it'll be tough to avoid getting covered in germs if I'm on Owen patrol and nursing patrol during the night. I wasn't expecting to have to deal with this so soon... so I'd appreciate a little prayer for my sanity and composure too : )


Kelly said...

Praying for you and the boys Bethie! Nothing tests our faith like motherhood, huh? But God is SO good to hear our frantic prayers and pleas on our childrens' behalf. He loves you and your boys so much. Praying He grants you peace during this time. Love you! xoxo

Janice said...

Praying for you guys! That seriously stinks....poor Jake has been sick the past couple days coughing or anything, just fever and irritability. Hopefully we didn't give y'all anything:(

God will take care of your little family. I remember when Jake was just a couple months old, the whole swine flu thing got pretty awful and both Abby and I ended up with it. I had it for a week before I even went to the doctor and found out what it was. I had been coughing all over poor Jake while nursing him the whole time, but he never got H1N1!!! So have faith...and bathe in hand sanitizer;-) haha.

Let meknow if you need anything:-)

Becky said...

Just think - nursing is one of the best things you can do for his immune system anyways! So relax and keep it comin'! Will pray...

Jennifer said...

Praying for you guys beth! It will be okay!