Thursday, April 30, 2009

8 / 12

What a fun month! Owen and Eli are both so much more mobile, though not quite crawling. They both have their own way of scooting or spinning to get to what they want, which immediately goes into their mouth. They are starting to bring their legs underneath themselves too, so I'm sure crawling won't be too far away. It's hard to believe that 8 months have gone by so quickly!

A few stats from this month:

  • Owen and Eli are weighing 17.5 and 16 pounds respectively (based on our bathroom scale)
  • Visitors this month: Jeff and Kelly
  • Milestones: Growing into Size 3 diapers, Owen rolling from his back to his belly, both boys rolling from their belly to their back, Owen getting the hang of the jumper, trying finger foods (waffles, toast, cut up banana, kiwi, grapes, blueberries, mandarin oranges, black beans, green beans, crackers and graham crackers), picking up food and actually getting it into their mouths, stopped using gas drops (finally!), sucking on their feet/toes, watching our first Rodeo, trying out juice cups, turning on their mobiles in the crib with their feet
  • Challenges this month: letting the boys 'cry it out.' Luckily it only took each of them 1-2 nights, but I found myself sleeping in the walk-in closet on those nights so I couldn't hear them crying!, Driving the 10+ hours to and from Big Bend National Park, hiking over a mile with two screaming babies
  • Current favorite toys: Tupperware rattle, Baby Einstein shapes and colors noise maker, squeaky book
  • Owen: When I sit on the floor while Owen is playing, he'll stop what he's doing, spin himself towards me and lift his arms to be picked up. He's such a cuddly baby!
  • Eli: He spins like a helicopter when he's playing on the floor. Circle after circle, I'm not even sure he's looking for anything, I think he just likes to spin. He gets spooked when Owen starts making loud noises. Sometimes he'll join in and they'll 'talk' back and forth, but other times he gets a stunned look on his face and starts crying.
  • Item(s) I can't live without: a loaf of bread, a box of waffles, a can of puffs and a freezer/pantry full of baby food - they love to eat!!
  • Big Deals This Month: the boys' first Easter, being in the world as long as they were in my belly

We are 8/12 of the way through our first year as parents of twins!