Monday, October 09, 2006

Time Flies

It's hard to believe that it's already mid-October. The leaves are changing, the first nine-weeks is almost over, Charlie and I are about to hit our 4 1/2 year anniversary and I'm rapidly closing in on 26 years of age.

In the moments when I realize just how fast life is flying by, it's hard not to feel a slight twinge of sadness - opportunities lost, distant friendships, fleeting moments - but at the same time, I am reminded that it's my responsibility to slow down and appreciate the little things in life so they don't all pass me by without recognition. For me, the change of seasons always brings an appreciation for the things unique to that time of year: crisp leaves, cinnamon and apple scents, longer evening hours, Thanksgiving, a slower pace to life, wearing jeans and sweaters, flannel sheets, first snows - the list goes on.

My hope is that I will never forget to stop and appreciate the little things that our Creator made for us to enjoy. This weekend, hiking on the Laurel Highlands Hiking Trial, I had time to stop and do just that. It's amazing how time in the wilderness can center me. When all of the distractions of life are taken away, I always come back to Him who created it all.


mandy said...

Well said Beth! Being out in His creation is a solid reality of His awesomeness. Autumn is one of my favorite times of year.